Absence Reporting

Absence Reporting

Please report any absences daily to our office

If your children are unable to attend school, please notify the school by e-mail or call the office before 9:00 a.m.

Phone: 403-746-2236 or Email: ehs@wolfcreek.ab.ca

Important: Please get all students to check in at the office if they arrive at school after an excused absence and to check out when they are leaving the school for an excused absence. 

Thank you!


Please note that on our Work Days students are required to have a form filled out with a parent signature. This signed form is used to excuse them from school on those days. If we do not have a form signed by a parent the student is required to come into school on Work Day, if they do not attend school on Work Day and no form was handed in, they will be marked as absent.

When you leave a message regarding a student absence, please leave a brief description for the reason of the absence: 

     - They are ill.

     - We have a family priority.

     - They are away at a hockey tournament.

     - They have a medical appointment.